VersaFlex Mourns Founding Member, Jeff Downing

The gravel laden voice delivering words of encouragement to everyone in its path. The pacing back and forth working a cell phone and cigarette just outside a side door. The formal attire of blue jeans and cowboy boots. The colorful metaphors. The generosity. The belief that anything was possible and that no opportunity was out of reach. The absolute honest response when asked his opinion. The ordering of every appetizer on a menu to be sure of the guest’s enjoyment. The brief emails in ALL CAPS. The enormous scope of awareness regarding virtually any topic. The willingness to travel hundreds of miles out of the way to make sure a customer received product needed for a holiday job. The genuine concern not only for acquaintances but for their friends and families. The ever-present offer of help with tasks simple or complex.
These are only a few of the human characteristics we will miss with the passing of Jeff. The VersaFlex family owes its existence to the unyielding force that Mr. Downing brought to the offering of products and service to customers worldwide.
Rest in peace Jeffrey.
Jeff Downing
June 6, 1946 – January 26, 2018
A Celebration of Life for Jeff Downing will be held on Saturday, February 17 at Jeff’s home in Marble Falls, Texas. Jeff’s wife, Golden, is putting together a compilation of pictures and memories of Jeff for the celebration – if anyone has any pictures or memories they would like to share, please send them directly to Golden via email at If you plan to attend the celebration, Golden has asked that you send her an email so that she can plan accordingly.
We have received many questions from employees, customers, and business associates asking if they can send condolences or make a donation to a charitable cause in Jeff’s memory. As we all know, Jeff was a generous person, helping many people with both money and time and supporting causes that were near and dear to his heart. In this spirit, anyone that is moved to make a charitable donation is asked to support a cause that is near and dear to your own heart as a way of honoring Jeff’s legacy. Cards of remembrance may be sent to Golden at PO Box 850, Marble Falls, TX 78654.